Alexandria Labson Alexandria Labson

Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

Your success is not defined by a number on a scale!

Something I often hear from my clients is that their clothes are fitting better and they have more energy, but their weight has remained the same or even increased. This can lead to major frustration and may even make you think that you aren’t making progress, which is simply not true. There is actually a difference between weight loss and fat loss!

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Alexandria Labson Alexandria Labson

Carbs are Not the Enemy

Why the heck does everyone hate on carbs, poor guys!

Carbohydrates have a historically awful/negative reputation from Atkins to Keto, but they are simply misunderstood. Carbs do not make you fat, too much food can. If you are eating more than you are burning, your body will store excess nutrients (mainly) as fat. The main function of carbs is to supply your body with energy. If there is not a proper supply of carbs in your diet, your body still needs something to burn for energy and it will likely breakdown your

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Alexandria Labson Alexandria Labson

Your Body is Unique

How many times have you tried a new diet or bought a new “health” product and lost weight only to gain it all back and then some or not see any results at all?

It’s no wonder! An eating style that works for one person may not work for you and that is ok! We are constantly flooded with conflicting information about weight loss and health. For example, one week you're told nuts are healthy, the next week you're told to avoid them at all costs. Fad diets are designed for you to see some initial weight loss

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