
While struggling with an eating disorder that flared back up during the pandemic, I found Alex's page via a friend on Instagram and started reading her posts. Her page helped me realize some of my food issues were very deeply embedded so I reached out to her to see if it would be a good fit. Not only was Alex able to help me but she referred me to a wonderful therapist I started working with as well.

I thought that my only issue was my ED but through Alex's posts and our weekly meetings I realized I fixate on all things food related; my body, my calorie intake, restricting food groups, the way I'm eating, the way others are eating, etc. Alex is great about making sure I don't start restricting in unhealthy ways. Her approach is from a place of knowledge and understanding. She is great about sending resources when needed and touching base when I have a question. Although I know my journey is a work in progress and will take time, I love having Alex there to help balance me and support me through the process.


Alex is amazing! I first started seeing her due to some unhealthy habits i had adopted during quarantine, and since then she has helped me to incorporate healthy habits as well as quick healthy recipes into my busy routine. She is very personable and genuinely cares about her clients well-being.

I don’t have a lot of time to prepare or cook meals & she was extremely flexible with suggesting healthy take-out options as well as finding quick hearty recipes that work for me and don’t leave me feeling deprived. I cannot recommend her enough if you are looking to learn healthy food habits or maintain a healthy lifestyle!


I reached out to Alex when I was at a point in my life where I needed to learn about what I was eating and how it benefited (or didn’t benefit) my body. I felt clueless about the food I was eating and knew I didn’t want to find an answer online, rather I wanted to speak to someone directly who had full knowledge on these topics.

I came across Alex’s page on Instagram and reached out. She asked me a few questions to get an idea of what I wanted to achieve by meeting with her. She gave me some homework and we scheduled our first meeting. 

During this meeting, I realized she is exactly what I needed. She is smart, quick witted and she didn’t change my diet drastically to food that I dislike and would never eat to achieve my goals. She educated me on why I needed to introduce certain things into my diet and the benefits I would gain from doing so. I quickly implemented what we discussed during our sessions because I was determined to make a change; I always felt wonderful after speaking with Alex and excited to try new recipes or tricks she provided me. One thing I admired about Alex is she would assign herself homework (I.e., sending me recipes or a sample grocery list) during our sessions and would hold herself accountable for the tasks she created during our meeting and quickly followed through with completing those tasks. 

Alex gave me the tools and directions I needed to better my health and diet and it was up to me to use those tools and follow those directions. I am very thankful to have found her!


I came to Alex after trying and failing to lose weight with multiple fad diets.

I had tried keto, WeightWatchers, Atkins, HerbaLife... you name it. The problem I’d had was that I couldn’t stick with any of these diets and always gave up, binged, and gained back any weight I had lost when returning to my regular eating habits.

Alex helped me understand why those diets do not work, and the right way to nourish my body. She helped me make a plan and set goals, gave me meal ideas and grocery lists, showed me I was actually not eating frequently enough, and taught me the ways that macronutrients work.

For the first time in my life, I feel like I have a healthy relationship with food, and don’t feel the need to completely cut out entire food groups in order to be healthy/lose weight. The weekly/biweekly meetings helped keep me accountable, and she was always willing to pop in a meal suggestion when I was feeling lost with what I had in my kitchen. I wish everyone had someone like Alex in their life!


Despite only working with Alex for a couple months now, she has helped me tremendously in my journey to create a better relationship with food while dropping fat + gaining muscle. Because I have tried (and failed) at many diets in the past, I wanted to put effort into a method that not only worked, but was good for my body and mind in the long run.

Unfortunately, there is so much harmful and false information out there about food and sustainable weight-loss, I was lost and confused on where to even begin. I followed Alex on Instagram a few days into my new journey and her content was super helpful/well-presented. When I saw that she offered nutrition sessions, I knew that she would be a great person to help me reach my goals! I wasn't wrong. Not only has her knowledge made this transition to a healthier, sustainable lifestyle easier, but she has also been great support through all the ups and downs.

The recipes and shopping list she provided are resources I constantly turn to when I need some guidance. I am very grateful for Alex's help and would definitely recommend her services to anyone in need of some support


When I came to Alex I was in a rut with my nutrition and body goals. I felt that I was eating healthy and working out but not seeing any results. I can wholeheartedly say that is no longer the case. After only seeing Alex for about two months I am already seeing major changes in my body and I feel good while doing it. Alex has the educational background, experience, and knowledge to provide you with the tools to work efficiently towards your body goals in a way that is healthy and consistent for your body, and that doesn’t require you to give things up or cut out favorite foods. She worked with me to create a nutrition plan that is tailored specifically to me - an in-depth plan that honors my vegan nutrition preferences - SO amazing! She encourages me to listen to what my body is telling me instead of ignoring it. I feel like she is helping me to instill positive body habits that I will I use my entire life. And my body is thanking her (and me) for that. Working with Alex has been such a rewarding experience - thank you Alex!!!!!


Alex has truly transformed the way I view food. I’ve been a hairstylist for 10 years and I’m now in nursing school. These are two professions that see 12-hour work days running on caffeine as a personality trait and not the disordered eating that it really is. Working with Alex has helped me integrate healthier habits to fuel my body in to my daily life without shaming me for days that are harder than others. She is motivating, supportive and body positive. Her emphasis on non-scale victories and intuitive eating. really is a game changer. 


I came to Alex during a time where I truly wanted to help myself and learn about the world of nutrition with guidance. Alex was my first ever friend in the gym and she believed in me when I could not believe in myself. She gave me recipes that I could take home and use constantly. She provided me with tips on fitness and health that I carried with me every day in the gym. Even today as I moved to college and was set to be on my journey alone, her tips and motivation still stick with me!⠀

She not only showed me a world of clean eating and a life without the fad/restrictions, but she allowed me to see that food is not scary and to live life enjoying the “bad” food every once in awhile. It’s a rollercoaster I’m still riding but I enjoy it and Alex helped me see that, journeys may be long but the results are worth it! Our body’s are systems needing nutrients and love. It took me awhile to learn that myself, but I still believe I would not be where I am mentally, emotionally, and physically in health and fitness if I was not for Alex! 


Working with Alex has been amazing! She has taught me to eat healthily for MY body, to be patient with myself while breaking bad habits, and to eat when I’m hungry! She checks in with you, is efficient and caring, and really pays attention to what you need. After two weeks, I have seen two major non-scale victories-I lost almost an inch in all of my measurements, and the negative self-talk regarding my eating is nearly gone. Thanks Alex!


I came to a point where I had enough of diet culture. I knew that I had gained weight during quarantine due to lack of proper nutrition and lack of physical activity, but I REFUSED to go on another crash diet and let this vicious cycle continue in order to lose weight. I knew Alex was going to be my go to from day 1! If alone her knowledgeable and food positive posts inspired me, I knew becoming her client would take it to the next level for me! Since working with Alex, my relationship with food has been so much more positive, and I don’t feel the need to restrict anymore. I have more energy and in just one month lost 3 inches around my waist and my face is noticeably less puffy. I feel so much healthier, mentally and physically! 


As a big guy, when I have tried to lean out in the past the first thing to go is carbs and I increase my protein. Alex has helped me learn to eat a balanced diet and recognize my hunger cues. Carbs are your friend and can make or break my energy level through out the day. Alex does a great job and I feel successful even on weeks when I don’t see a change in the scale because the way my body feels and looks tells me it’s working. 


I didn’t know where to start to become fit again. I had a personal trainer in the past and was put on a meal plan. I achieved the results I wanted, but after going back to the meal plan it was just impossible to maintain. The plan was very restrictive & not sustainable for the long term. Since coming to Alex, I have learned that pretty much all foods are not off limit & it’s about making healthier choices each day. Having the guidance of how many calories, macros, and healthy foods to eat each day has helped me tremendously. The weekly follow ups have kept me accountable and mindful of what I eat!
